This can be, and often is, the most important investment you will make at any time of your adult life, but especially entering retirement. The professionals you decide to work with will be critical to the quality of your life here. They could include real estate brokers, developers, appraisers and surveyors. But how will you know which are the best qualified and reliable to properly take care of you? That’s why our knowledge of the local marketplace will significantly benefit and protect you from exposure to potential, unwanted problems, while also connecting you with the appropriate professionals.

Real Estate Broker
There are several brokerage offices available to you. It’s probably best you work with one who has a combination of foreign and local staff. That way, you are more likely to find a better comfort level. But at the same time, don’t assume because the brokerage office is headed by a foreigner, they will automatically be the right match for you. Also, get referrals from each office, and also ask around about the brokers. What’s their reputation within the broader Dumaguete community? Also, let your intuition guide you about which broker you will trust to either sell your property, or find your dream home for you.
There are companies who specialize in community development, do joint ventures, and create investment properties. They tend to design a community that attracts like minded people who want quality designs that best suit the location’s environment. The community is then planned accordingly. Successful Joint Ventures happen when the developer combines with an individual or group who provides vision, capital, or property on which to build. Sometimes investors are tired of the dangers of the stock market, or from receiving low returns on time deposits. That’s when having a property developer build structures that create solid, monthly income makes prudent sense.

The primary function of a real estate appraiser is to provide an accurate value on a property whether its for sale or to be purchased. Many factors are involved in arriving at an accurate appraisal. Past and recent sale prices in the area will impact the final pricing. Upgrade work done on the property since it was originally built will increase the property value. If non residential property is involved, the work is more complex. Boundary surveys may be required, feasibility studies done, and engineering surveys, among others, required. It’s yet another important area where you need the best person working for you.
There is a variety of work carried out by surveyors. The type of survey involved depends on the purpose the land will be used for. For example, a Property Survey will show precisely where the boundaries are of the property in relation to the following: Locations of all boundaries monumentation found or set, apparent improvements and features including, at a minimum, dwellings, barns, sheds, garages, driveways, roadways, and surface utilities. Others include a review of unresolved conflicts with record deed description and maps. It’s a highly complex field where you need to be certain you have selected the correct surveyor.